Addresser Based Systems

Regardless of the application, SureFeed’s wide range of feeders can help make sure your customers’ projects are completed easily and on time.

High Capacity Continuous Feeding for Inkjet Printers, Tabbers, Etc…

The FeedMAX is perfect for feeding magazines, self-mailers, postcards, and other types of products. The FeedMAX Series has all the characteristics of a high end Sure-Feed feeder which includes: Patented Dynamic Rotation Technology, “The Shaker” plate, heavy duty 1/4″ thick powder coated side frames, product guides, remote stop, external run interface and variable speed control. The adjustable autoloader portion of the FeedMAX comes standard with the 6′ autoloader (9′ optional), product guides, variable speed and casters and an independent power switch.

Continuous Feeding for Inkjet Printers, Tabbers, Etc…

The InkJet Feeder Series features a belt system that is specially formulated to reduce glazing and improve feeding grip. The SE Models come standard with the patented Dynamic Rotation Technology. Each feeder comes with heavy duty 1/4” thick powder coated side frames, small product guides and variable speed control.

Inserter Feeder for Z=Folds and Other Difficult to Feed Material

Add-a-Station feeders easily add the ability to feed letters, z-fold, c-fold, half, engineering, double parallel and gate materials. Quickly turn your six station inserter into a seven, eight or nine station. Set-up simply by clamping the new feeder onto your existing inserter’s front table and begin inserting!

Inserter Pocket Feeder for Z-Folds and Other Difficult to feed Material.

Use the Replace-a-Station feeder in one of your swing-arm inserter stations to add the same great features as the Add-a-Station.

The Bump Turn is a versatile stand-alone unit capable of interfacing with many types of equipment. Other features include angle adjustments, left or right bump turning, variable speed and multi-bump positioning.

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