Kas Specialty Mail Inserters - Inserting Machines

Mail Inserters That Maximize Efficiency And Output - Modular, Versatile, and Intelligent
KAS mail inserters are designed specifically to work around any kind of setup. From intelligent inserters that will stack pages specifically for a particular destination, to high-volume mail inserters that will fit inline with your current direct mail equipment.

KAS mail inserting machines can be used for standard 8 1/2 x 11 pages (folded to fit into #10 envelopes or something even smaller or unfolded to work as folder inserters), booklets, CDs, and any number of products.
The intelligent inserter design allows you to read OMR, OCR, and barcodes on the fly, and the intelligent mail software can be configured for any number of responses for different ‘categories’ of mail recipients. For example, Kit Fulfillment Work is a cinch with the KAS intelligent inserter.
The variety of items that can be handled on the KAS are wide ranged and include invoices, statements, brochures, magazines, booklets, pre-folded inserts, and reply paid envelopes. All at high speeds and without major line disruption.

The 565HS envelope inserter, in common with all KAS inserters, combines a unique design with proven technology, backed by over forty years experience in the mailing equipment industry. It handles up to size 6″X9″ envelopes, inserting at speeds of 7,200 completed envelopes per hour. Designed and manufactured in Britain, it is available in a number of configurations with a host of features. The equipment’s durable build quality means that it can handle long runs without disruptions. The easy set-up and quick changeover features make it equally viable for short runs. For big or small inserting jobs, this machine can handle the load

The Standard KAS Mailmaster 465HS handles #10 to 10″ X 13″ envelopes, inserting at speeds of up to 6,000 envelopes per hour. This comprehensive modular inserting machine offers flexibility, durability and ease of set up. Insert stations can handle a wide variety of material including single sheets, cards, reply envelopes, pre-loaded items and booklets