Near Infrared Dryers - Fannon Near-Infrared Dryers

Fannon Near-Infrared Dryers Help You Save Money Every Time They're Used!
Near-IR dryers are based on a cost effective, high output inkjet dryer system designed for mail equipment and other production inkjet setups. This new breed of near-infrared dryers offers greater productivity with reduced operating costs compared to traditional infrared drying systems.
The near-infrared sensation revolves around the fact that black water-based ink will absorb certain lengths of energy faster than other wavelengths. So as the product passes beneath the near-IR dryer, more energy goes to drying the ink, and less is absorbed by the product itself. Thus, less energy is wasted, and the a larger variety of products can be printed on (including certain heat-sensitive materials). It also means that the printed product will curl less, and can move at a higher speed.
In other words, you can run your mailing equipment faster (higher productivity) and use less energy to dry (energy cost savings). It’s a win-win for any one using direct mail equipment.

- Faster Line Speeds
- Higher Energy Wave Lengths
- Lower Electrical Consumption Over IR
- Lower Belt &Machine Temps.
9720 Watt NIR
Drying Area: 4.25″ x 16″
Voltage: 240V, 1-Phase
Current: 40.5 Amps
6480 Watt NIR
Drying Area: 4.25″ x 10″
Voltage: 240V, 1-Phase
Current: 27 Amps
2400 Watt NIR
Drying Area: 3″ x 6″
Voltage: 240V, 1-Phase
Current: 10 Amps